Monday, August 27, 2012

Trip to Monterey,Ca

We went to Monterey two weeks ago and stayed at the Monterey Elks Club for 4 nights in my RV. It was fun...On Wednesday night  we took a ride to the Pacific Grove Coast..The waves weren't very active but it was pretty....Here is my favorite photo of the evening: (Click photo to get a larger view)

The next day we went to Big Sur..It is always a pretty ride up the coast..I really liked how the fog was coming in on the coastal cliffs.. Here are some of my favorite photographs from the ride:

At the end of the ride we went to Pffeifer State is a two mile ride down a curvy single lane road with pullouts. Here are some of my favorite photographs of the beach:

Here is photo of my significant other,Yvonne, taking photographs with her pt and shoot camera:

Here is a self portrait of myself and Yvonne..taken with a wide angle pt and shoot in my left hand..
You can tell it was pretty windy.

A young kid dropped his bag of chips on the ground..a seagull dived down and grabbed it and hauled it down to the water.. within seconds the seagull was surrounded by fellow seagull's who also wanted a treat..I was lucky to get a quick photo of the "Bandit" trying to keep the others away..

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