Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Monterey Part Three

Saturday morning we went to Pt. Lobos in the Carmel Highlands.. I was a little apprehensive since it was Saturday and I felt there would be too many people there... I was wrong.. it was a little overcast so the contrast range of light was perfect for photographs..This is the first view as we started to walk the .8 of a mile trail:  (Click to enlarge)

 There was tons of poison oak along the trail, but it made a great picture.

 It is very pretty when you walk the trails when there isn't any sunshine:

 I also love the way the wind has formed the trees.. I converted them to black and white:

 As you walk along you will see lots a lot of deer wandering around.:

 I went to Weston Beach but I wasn't too impressed. It might have been better later in the day when the light would be skimming across the formations.. Here is one photograph to give you an idea what it's like:

Here is another photo of myself and my significant other Yvonne taken at Weston Beach with a wide angle pt and shoot camera in my left hand..(This was taught to me by the amateur Yvonne, of course). It's fun.

There is a spot called China Cove that I took a lot of HDR photographs with my point and shoot cameras:

Here is one taken with a different camera and jazzed  up a little more in Photoshop:

The last stop was at Bird Rock.. there were very few birds there. The docent told us to come in April when the birds are migrating..I'll try and go back next year:


Monterey Part Two

Friday we went to Carmel and wandered around town and ended up at the beach. I always like to go to all the photography gallery's and look into the windows as you walk around town...There was this cute little store with lots of antique looking items so I snapped a few Iphone Hipstamatic photos:
(Click Photographs to get a larger view)

While we were walking down the street I saw this neat old Plymouth station wagon. I couldn't resist taking a photograph of it.

When we got to the beach, to eat our picnic lunch, this cute little squirrel was bugging us.He was a professional beggar who sometimes got within a foot of us...very persistent!

I always attempt to take a photograph of the trees on the beach..

It was a fun day.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Trip to Monterey,Ca

We went to Monterey two weeks ago and stayed at the Monterey Elks Club for 4 nights in my RV. It was fun...On Wednesday night  we took a ride to the Pacific Grove Coast..The waves weren't very active but it was pretty....Here is my favorite photo of the evening: (Click photo to get a larger view)

The next day we went to Big Sur..It is always a pretty ride up the coast..I really liked how the fog was coming in on the coastal cliffs.. Here are some of my favorite photographs from the ride:

At the end of the ride we went to Pffeifer State Beach..it is a two mile ride down a curvy single lane road with pullouts. Here are some of my favorite photographs of the beach:

Here is photo of my significant other,Yvonne, taking photographs with her pt and shoot camera:

Here is a self portrait of myself and Yvonne..taken with a wide angle pt and shoot in my left hand..
You can tell it was pretty windy.

A young kid dropped his bag of chips on the ground..a seagull dived down and grabbed it and hauled it down to the water.. within seconds the seagull was surrounded by fellow seagull's who also wanted a treat..I was lucky to get a quick photo of the "Bandit" trying to keep the others away..