Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Rome Day One

On our first day we took a walk up to St Peters Basillica and then walked along the river. Here are some photos taken on the walk:

 St Peters from a distance:

 Columns leading to St Peters:

Taking a walk down the river from St Peters:

There are attractions everywhere:

A mime that doesn't move:

A women on a motor scooter texting at a stop sign:

Somewhere on our walk we ran into a church with a beautiful ceiling..(not hard to do in Italy)

We took a bus over to the famous fountain..it was surounded with people:

 This is the best photo I could get at the time:

When I got home I had to take the people out of the photo..not bad.
Isn't software wonderful..This was done with a little ipad app called Touch Retouch.

Then we took a long walk (seemed like it) up to the famous Spanish Steps:

Couldn't take the people out of this one..haha

1 comment:

  1. Very enjoyable pics Mike. Did you guys go on a cruise or did you just fly over there. And did you have a tour guide? We are thinking of a cruise next spring.
