Monday, May 26, 2014

Venice, Italy....A photographer's paradise

We arrived at the Venice, Italy airport around 11:00 am. .We took a bus down to the Grand Canal entrance where we bought 3 day passes for the Veporeto (italian water bus)..Here are some photos that I took on the way to St Marks Square.

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After we took out luggage to the B&B we started to walk the front and back streets of Venice for
five hours. The next morning we were up at 5:30am walking the street again...

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After a nap we went out again. All of a sudden Venice was full of people. It happened to be a national
holiday. Celebrating the defeat of Mussalini by the underground. Here is a photo of the people..haha
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Gondola traffic jam..:

We went to St Marks square and took some photos of  St Marks Basillica.


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