Monday, May 26, 2014

Burano..An Island of many colored buildings

I have always wanted to go to Burano, Italy.. It is an Island about 30 minuets, by boat, from Venice..

We left early in the morning so we could get there before the crowds.. It was well worth it.. Here are some

photographs to give you an idea of what it is like on Burano..

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Now a photo of a church with a crooked tower:

Next month I will post some photographs of Florence and Rome.

Venice, Italy....A photographer's paradise

We arrived at the Venice, Italy airport around 11:00 am. .We took a bus down to the Grand Canal entrance where we bought 3 day passes for the Veporeto (italian water bus)..Here are some photos that I took on the way to St Marks Square.

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After we took out luggage to the B&B we started to walk the front and back streets of Venice for
five hours. The next morning we were up at 5:30am walking the street again...

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After a nap we went out again. All of a sudden Venice was full of people. It happened to be a national
holiday. Celebrating the defeat of Mussalini by the underground. Here is a photo of the people..haha
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Gondola traffic jam..:

We went to St Marks square and took some photos of  St Marks Basillica.
