Saturday, July 27, 2013

Trip to San Francisco to see the Americas Cup Sailboats

We had a good time going to San Francisco a week ago..We changed drivers when we got into the city as Yvonne used to live there and was familiar with the streets. while she was driving I took a couple of photos through the window of the car...I particularly like this one..It was processed on my Ipad..The birds were added for effect. :
(Click to see it larger)

It was an overcast day..When we got to the marina, the Sailboats were practicing right in front of us... here is my favorite photo of the sailboats:

While taking photographs of the Sailboats I looked over at the 
Golden Gate Bridge .. I took a couple of photographs and 
Processed them on my Ipad. I added the birds to the photographs,except the lower bird, which was in the original photograph..I changed the location of the birds in each photo...(Click to Enlarge)

We decided to have lunch at the Safeway store...A bag of lightly salted corn chips, two submarine sandwiches, and a large bottle of peach flavored diet snapple.. around $10-$12..The sandwiches were great.

When we got through eating, we decided to go to the palace
of fine arts..On the way I got a snapshot of a Cable car..

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