Monday, February 25, 2013

San Diego Adventures

Day one in San Diego..My friend suggested that we take the Trolley into Old Town..So we drove to the trolley station.
I thought I could have some fun taking photographs of people during our ride down town..Sitting across from me was a nice young man with a cross hanging from his neck.. I liked his hairdo so I started a conversation with him.. I asked if I could take his photograph and he said "Sure." Here is my first attempt:

 This photograph was taken with my Panasonic fz35 and converted to black and white on my Ipad.  Next photo is friendlier..haha.

The last photo is my trolley friend helping yvonne with directions.

 Here is our destination:

 Here are a couple of photos of some of the buildings:

And other attractions:

Now it is time for lunch ..Here are some photos:

There was a nice fountain in the restaurant with colorful glasses:

We took a walk around and window shopped in old town San Diego.  I noticed this neat manikin that makes you want to smile:

Here comes the trolley..time to go call it a day.

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