Sunday, July 31, 2011

Double exposure of two flower photographs

A Pretty framing effect

I found an article on how to use a rose as a background frame for its own photograph..Here are my first attempts:

Picture of the empty creek with nice grass

I was taking a walk and thought this picture of the empty creek would be a good photograph to add a bobcat in the forground..I found a bobcat in my files and put him in the picture..looks real to me..Fun

July 4th Fireworks

I went to the Morgan Hill Fireworks with friends.. a few collages of the images:

Friday, July 29, 2011

Another example of the below technique for painting in Painter Essentials 4

The little guy in the outdoor portrait below has grown up...His name is Andre.  Here is his original senior portrait with a very distracting background..(click to enlarge)
After working in Photoshop Topaz Adjust plug-in, I opened the portrait in Painter Essentials 4 and used the "Sargent" and "Just Add Water" brushes for this portrait...then I vignetted it and framed it in Photoshop..I am really happy with the way it turned out..He will really appreciate it when he is my age, if he is lucky enough to live that long..(click to see a larger image)

Sometimes ideas come from suprising places

Yesterday I got an email newsletter from Topaz about how a painter uses "Topaz Adjust" to help prepare his photographs for painting in " Painter 11." was a good article and I got a couple of ideas I wanted to try on my photographic paintings...I dug through my files and found this photograph I took of two of my grandsons in the early 90's in the park.. Here is the original: (Click to enlarge)

I spent about 3 hours working on the image..first in Photoshop and then in Corel Painter Essentials 4..using the "Sargent  brush", "just add water" brush, and the" soft edge cloner,".. I am very happy with the result as I feel it looks like a painting and would look good printed on a canvas..
Here is the finished portrait. (Click to enlarge)