Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A mini vacation in Monterey and Big Sur

This month we went to Monterey in our Rv and stayed at the Elks Club... The Monterey Elks club has an Rv
park for its members...From the Elks club you can travel all over Monterey, Carmel and Big Sur... We met
our friends Kay Bravo and Nan Pipstem for a photo shoot at the Garapata State Beach..It is really a beautiful
location... Here are some photographs that I took there...The First photo I converted to Black and White...The
final sunset was Beautiful. (Click Photo to enlarge)

The first evening we went to the Pacific Grove Beach..it is one of my favorite spots:

The last evening we went looking for some Birds and Surfers. The only surfer I found was one
playing with his Dog:

Thats all for this month..Can't wait for February..