Saturday, September 29, 2012

An evening walk on the golf course

On September 21 we took a walk on the golf course.. It turned out to be a photogenic evening.. It pays to always have a camera with you.. Here are the photographs I took around the pond and on the golf course. First the reflections on the water and ducks :

Then the Egret on the other side of the pond:

Finally the beautiful clouds in the horizon:

The last photograph is the moon peeking through the clouds:

Mexican Mariachi Festival

Every year San Jose, Ca has a Mariachi festival to celebrate Mexico's independence..Here are a few photographs of the mariachi's entertaining:

Their is also a bandstand where various bands play music and dance on the stage:

When you walk around the arts and crafts section there are some interesting subjects..For some reason the Hispanic heritage celebrates the "day of the dead"  Here are some photographs to illustrate:

Now back to the is a photo of the crowd watching the Mariachi bands:

 Here are some photographs of one Mariachi band posing for a photographer:
here are some closeup photographs of various mariachi band members warming up to perform:

There were a couple of girls who wanted to take their photograph with the mariachi players

Their friend took their photograph on a phone..the final photo is them looking at the photograph on the phone:

It was an interesting day..filled with music..

Pescadero Creek County Park

September 13th, we took a walk down "Old haul road" in Pescadero Creek County Park:

End of the trail..(at last)

Friday, September 28, 2012

September 7th, 2012   When I was walking I spotted the first signs of fall colors on this bush.. I love fall colors..Good thing I had my IPhone with me to take this photograph..:

Thunderstorm Treat

On Sept 6th we got treated to a local thunderstorm..I always love sunsets during a thunderstorm:

I wish I had been at the beach to film these clouds over the ocean at sunset.

Back-lite fog in the trees

On September 4th I looked outside to see the back-lite trees...Here is the original photograph:

I put the original photograph into Photoshop and with the help of Nik essentials and Topaz simplify created the following  photographs: