Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Spring is upon us

A week ago when I when to Nob Hill all the trees were blossoming...here are a couple of examples:

Yesterday, on my way to town, I spotted a couple of poppies..

San Juan Bautista Mission Indian graveyard

I took this photo of the indian graveyard with my Iphone:

The sign in front said that 3500 indians were buried in the area so a did a little IPhone and photoshop  magic and added some little crosses and toned it down with a fog effect:

Monday, February 20, 2012

Always have a camera on you

When I leave my 5th wheel I always have a camera in my pocket. Its not a great camera but it has a 28 to 300mm zoom lens...The other night, while taking out the garbage, I noticed a pretty sunset...I took a few photographs and here is the result:

This morning I was taking a walk and spotted this deer sitting in front of some scrubs leading to the creek. I quickly took a couple of photographs and moved on down the path.

Coco's on Blossom Hill Rd in San Jose

I went to Coco's on Blossom Hill Rd in San Jose on Valentine's Day....after I arrived I was looking for a restroom and discovered this sign..

 Stuck me funny..but I am different.

Then I took a look at the display

 and ordered a piece of Banana Cream Pie...oh it was to die for...great crust..whole chunks of banana inside..mouth watering...Best banana cream pie I have ever eaten..all 770 calories of it. Forgot to take a picture of the pie.

I will have to go back at least quarterly..better make that semi-annually ..

Friday, February 10, 2012

Attention IPhone lovers

Petersen's Photographic Magazine has a special issue "IPhone for Photographers" I found my copy at Barns and Noble.. It is $6 and worth every penny of it.. Here is a copy of the cover so you know what it looks like...it should be on the news stand until February 21st.

Free "Microsoft image composite editor"

The following panorama was processed with a free program called "Microsoft image composite editor" it is a hand held panorama composed of 6 images from a 6mp camera. It was processed in Topaz adjust, detail, and simplify.. Frame and copyright notice were added in another free program called "Picasa 3" from Google. I downloaded the Microsoft program this morning and wanted to try it out..works great.

Here is the link if you want to download the program into your computer:
