Friday, September 30, 2011

Color photographs converted to black and white

Converting photographs from color to black and white is not difficult... lots of tutorials on are two of my favorites: ( Click to enlarge)

Even a fence can be photogenic

The other day, while taking a walk, I spotted this fence...

After a little photoshop it looked like this:
Here is a painterly edition:

Photographing the full moon

 Our Morgan Hill Camera Club had a shoot-out photographing the full moon. It was a lot of fun.. Photographing the moon can be challenging..According some of  the articles I have read, it is best to photograph the moon the day before the full moon..the reason is that there is more daylight available to combine with other scenic objects and the moon.. It is wonderful that there is so much information on the internet about various photographic the moon.  Here is the starting moon photograph: (Click to enlarge)

The next moon photograph was created in Photoshop by combining two photographs together:

 The final moon photograph is a painterly effect done in Photoshop with Topaz simplify:

An artistic flower

A couple of Iris flower photographs with a blurred frame effect:

Monument Valley in August , 1991

When we arrived at Monument Valley it was just after a thunder storm and flash flooding.. I grabbed my Hasselblad camera, tripod, and camera bag and headed out into the valley... All of a sudden the sky opened up and I frantically hurried to set up my camera...I took one photograph and my Hasselblad film magazine jammed. ..I ran back to my car to get my 35mm equipment..but when I got back to the tripod , the lighting had changed.

That one photograph, taken with the Hasselblad, was saved and it is one of my all time favorites.. Here it is , just as it came out of the camera, no Photoshopping necessary: (click to enlarge)

Love these eucalyptus trees

Here is the same High Dynamic Range photograph, one with a vehicle and one without.. I kind of like the one with the Vehicle the best.: (Click to enlarge)

Old rusty truck at Casa DeFruta

Here is the original photograph of an old truck that is parked at Casa De Fruta: (click to enlarge)

Now we add a little Photoshop magic

for a nice painterly effect

Cute Little Girl in Iowa

I have a friend in Iowa, who's grandaughter is a cutie... My friend sent me the following photograph and asked me if I could take out all the junk in the background..Here is the original photo: (click to enlarge)

Here is the fixed portrait:

And now for a painterly addition:

Believe it or not the original photograph was taken with a cell phone

Goldsmith Seed Flowers

September is not considered a great month for flowers... I was pleasantly surprised to find these flowers with water drops on their petals.