Wednesday, August 31, 2011

August Update

I can't believe how fast July went by...I had two friends who got new computers and I enjoyed helping them set them up and transferring the info from their old computers....Then my main computer died. I purchased the computer at Costco and it came with a 2 year Costco warranty,  which was about to expire on August 28 of this month.  The computer was on 8-10 hours a day for almost two years. I telephoned the Costco service department and they were great helping me get my computer fixed...I packed it up and sent it to the Gateway service center in Texas.. and it was back here within 10 days.. It needed a new hard drive..Thank goodness all my data  was backed up on external hard drives..  I have spent the last week adding programs and information back into the computer..I only have a few more programs to install......when I am done I am going to make a backup copy of my whole hard drive, including the operating system, so I won't have to do this again..

I did have one successful photo adventure this month... I woke up one morning and it was foggy..I have wanted to take the following photograph in the out the door I went with two cameras and a cup of coffee in my hand... it was worth it... here is the original photograph:

I cropped it and then flipped it horizontally so the brightness would be on the left side... Then some Photoshop, Topaz adjust and Topaz simplify. I am very happy with the end result..(Click to see larger.)
See you next month.